6 Things You Should Do BEFORE You Hire Someone Like Me

It’s a pretty wonderful feeling to love what you do for a living. But there is always a downside. One that often feels beyond your control. So with any luck today I can educate you BEFORE you decided to hire someone like myself. Here are the 5 things to consider before you fish out those dollar-dollar bills, ya’ll!

1. Get Yourself Organized

6 Things You Should Know BEFORE You Hire Someone Like Me

Someone like myself may find themselves running multiple social media websites all at once. The one thing that slows down my progress is when the client does not have the proper information for their accounts ie. missing information, incorrect emails, miss spelled passwords and broken links to content.

2. Drop Relationships That Are Not Working

6 Things You Should Know BEFORE You Hire Someone Like Me

Whether it’s hiring a designer or scouting a photographer, if the person you are trying to work with is being flaky or too slow to respond and you are on a dead line… DROP IT LIKE IT’S HOT! That business relationship could potentially hold back your projects. It is time to find someone else that is up for the job. I get this all of the time. A client is waiting on their sound engineer to master a track and they miss label deadlines because the person they hired is tardy. And guess who it looks bad on?

3. Hold Yourself & oTHERS Accountable

6 Things You Should Know BEFORE You Hire Someone Like Me

While you may not have control over others, you do have control over the way you deal with those situations. So like in dealing with a person that is holding back your progress instead of waiting on them, find someone else. Instead of making excuses, find solutions. That is what success business professionals do.

4. Be Consistent

6 Things You Should Know BEFORE You Hire Someone Like Me

It’s not enough to put out one really great tune. You must consistently be working on your craft, making new content and getting yourself involved in future projects. Many clients think, “I’ll put out a new mix…” and then see the finish product as an opportunity for a break from working. In order to stay fresh and in people’s minds it won’t be long until you need to update them with new fresh content. If someone like myself is running your social media sites, no matter how great a job I do if their is a lack in content, there will be a lack in interest from viewers!

Pro Tip: Have content on the back-burner. Maybe you’ve got a couple great tunes and a mixtape already mixdown and mastered. This is a great time to shop around to potential radio shows and music blogs. Something someone like myself can help you to do.

5. Ask Questions When You Feel Stuck

6 Things You Should Know BEFORE You Hire Someone Like Me

If you’ve tried your best and you are still feeling out of sorts about what you are doing, ask for help! Sometimes clients spend 6 hours trying to make a blog post and feel frustrated because they just don’t understand how to put one together. Sometimes it just takes a fresh pair of eyes to show you where you can make improvements to your already great idea.

6. Send your best final draft

6 Things You Should Know BEFORE You Hire Someone Like Me

Depending on whether your media managing company charge per hour or per job, the more they have to edit, the more they can charge you. On the flip side they can choose to stop working on your content until you resolve issues. Whether it’s a mix or a blog post, try not to send content that is still in it’s beginning stages unless you want to delay the work or cost yourself more money. Another example is sending work for mastering and realizing after you’ve sent the content there is a missing part in the recording 20 seconds into your tune. Double check and save yourself money!

Do you need help with your brand image? Are you thinking about getting an EPK (Electronic Press Kit.) Or maybe you need training in running your social media accounts better. Check out the services and workshops I provide here.

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